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Delta ∆: How to Easily Insert Difference Sign “∆” in Excel

The capital Greek letter Delta (∆) stands for difference or increment in Mathematics. In some cases, it would also help to use it in Excel: Instead of writing “Difference” or “Change”, you could simply insert the Delta sign. Here is how to do that in Windows and Mac!

The fastest method for Windows: Professor Excel Tools

Insert the Delta sign ∆ with Professor Excel Tools.

This is the fastest method: Go to the Professor Excel ribbon, click on the drop-down arrow of “Insert Symbol” and then on the delta sign ∆.

Just download and install the Excel-add-in Professor Excel Tools and see if it works for you.

This function is included in our Excel Add-In ‘Professor Excel Tools’

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Insert Delta Sign (∆) in Windows

Method 1 in Windows

The “traditional” way to insert the sign showing the difference in Windows is through the Insert Symbol window:

Insert the Delta Sign in Windows via the Insert Symbol window.
  1. On the Insert ribbon, click “Symbol” (the right-most button).
  2. In the Symbol window, select “Unicode (hex)” in the from field.
  3. Type 0394 into the “Character code” field. You should now see the Greek character selected above.
  4. Click on Insert to insert the symbol into the cell or chart.

Method 2 in Windows

Probably not as beautiful, but it usually works: Alternatively, just copy and paste it from here.

Insert Delta Sign (∆) in Mac

It’s almost the same in Mac OS as in Windows, but the window looks a bit different. Still, you have to go to the Insert ribbon and click on Symbol on the right-hand side:

Insert the delta symbol on a Mac with the Character Viewer (very similar to Windows).
  1. On the Insert ribbon, click on Symbol (on the right-hand side).
  2. In the Character Viewer, go to Mathematical Symbols.
  3. Insert the ∆ by double-clicking on it.

Add the Greek Letter Delta to a chart

You want to show the delta sign ∆ on a chart? It works the same way as described above. The only difference: Insert a text field first.

Before you can insert the delta sign on a chart, insert a Text Box on it.

In order to do this, select your chart. Then go to the Insert ribbon. On the right-hand side, click on the button “Text Box” and draw it onto the chart. Now, you can simply copy & paste or insert ∆ there.

IImage by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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