Functions Dictionary: Easily Translate Excel Formulas to Your Language

formulas, dictionary, excel, language, languages
Dictionary for Excel Formulas

Microsoft Excel supports many languages. In total, you can use Excel in 107 different languages. Many of these languages also use local formula names. For example, VLOOKUP is called SVERWEIS in German, BUSCARV in Spanish or DÜŞEYARA in Turkish. Fortunately, you don’t need to remember different formula names because Excel automatically translates the formulas to your language. However, in some cases you need to know the local formula term. Please refer to our comprehensive dictionary below.

Functions Dictionary

Function Dictionary: Select your "from" and "to" languages.
Function Dictionary: Select your “from” and “to” languages.

And here it is: The Excel functions dictionary. The easiest way to use select your original language as well as your target language in the dropdown fields. The two columns will shown then all Excel functions in both languages. Easy, right?

If you are interested: The table above is actually an Excel file embedded into this site. The dropdown lists are data validation rules. The files itself is uploaded to OneDrive and then embedded into a website.

If you want to see the file larger, click on the button in the bottom-right corner of it. It will then open the file in a new window.

Anything missing?

Is your language missing? Anything not correct in the table above? Please leave a comment.

Image by Nino Carè from Pixabay

Henrik Schiffner is a freelance business consultant and software developer. He lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. Besides being an Excel enthusiast he loves photography and sports.

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