Increase Calculation Performance in Excel: Change the Region Settings!

In our large analysis of how to speed up Excel, we’ve found an interesting fact: Changing the region settings of your computer has a big impact on the performance on Excel calculation. Unfortunately, finding this left us with more question than answers. That’s why we further investigated: Which region formats let Excel calculate faster? What is… Continue reading Increase Calculation Performance in Excel: Change the Region Settings!

Performance of Excel: Study Shows How to Speed up Excel by 81%

There are various advice about how to speed up Excel. Also we’ve published an article about how to increase the performance of Excel (actually it’s our most read article). But we’ve asked ourselves: Which of these advice really help? Furthermore: How much time can you save with it? That’s why we measured how long Excel calculates under different… Continue reading Performance of Excel: Study Shows How to Speed up Excel by 81%