ROUND: How to Round Values in Excel (+Tip&Tricks)

In this article, talk about a basic topic in Excel: Rounding numbers. Excel provides three different versions of formulas for rounding number: ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN. ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN always round numbers away or towards zero. In this article we take a closer look at the ROUND formula and explore advanced ways of applying it.

Wrong Calculations: Why Does Excel Show Wrong Results & How to Fix It

Excel calculates wrong. Yes, in some cases, Excel will return wrong results. You don’t believe me? Then type the following formula into an empty Excel cell: =1*(0.5-0.4-0.1). The result should be 0. But what does Excel show?  -2,77556E-17. This is just a simple example, but when it comes to larger Excel models it can be quite… Continue reading Wrong Calculations: Why Does Excel Show Wrong Results & How to Fix It