How to Return the Background Color Code From Excel Cell

Let’s assume the following situation: You have received an Excel file and someone has highlighted different cells. Now you want to read out the different background color codes in order to convert the file into a proper Excel data table. Unfortunately, there is no direct built-in way to solve this. So, let’s see how to… Continue reading How to Return the Background Color Code From Excel Cell

How to Insert New VBA Module in Excel & Paste Macro Code

If you often work with Microsoft Excel you might come to the point when standard functions won’t solve your problems any longer. In such case, you might have to start working with VBA macros. Of course, you can record steps in VBA, but usually you start from the opposite direction: You google a solution for… Continue reading How to Insert New VBA Module in Excel & Paste Macro Code

Insert Sheet Name In Cell: Easy! 3 Methods to Return the Worksheet Name

Often, you need to insert and work with the sheet name in an Excel sheet, for example if you are working with the ‘INDIRECT’-formula. Or, if you want to dynamically change headlines depending on the sheet name. If you don’t want to type the sheet name manually – which is very unstable – there are… Continue reading Insert Sheet Name In Cell: Easy! 3 Methods to Return the Worksheet Name

Convert XLOOKUP to VLOOKUP With These 4 Easy Methods!

Convert XLOOKUP to VLOOKUP in Excel.

The new XLOOKUP formula in Excel is great. It’s very powerful and solves many problems the iconic VLOOKUP (or HLOOKUP) formula cannot do. But there is one problem: It’s only available in the newest Excel versions. Older versions – which are still around a lot – can’t use them. In this article we explore 4… Continue reading Convert XLOOKUP to VLOOKUP With These 4 Easy Methods!

Insert Author Name, Date Last Saved, File Size into Excel Cell: 3 Methods (+Free Download)

Insert data saved, author, date created etc. in Excel cell.

You want to display the name of the author or who has saved the Excel file the last time? Or you want to insert the date last saved, the date created or the file size into an Excel cell? Unfortunately, there is no way without some disadvantages. Let’s take a look at three different methods.

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MINIF & MAXIF: 5 Ways to Insert a Conditional Minimum/Maximum Value

Until Excel 2016, there is no built-in MINIF-Formula in Excel. There are COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF but no MINIF nor MAXIF before the latest version. However, there are situations in which you need to get the minimum under a condition. In the following post, we are going to illustrate how to returnthe minimum using a simple example.… Continue reading MINIF & MAXIF: 5 Ways to Insert a Conditional Minimum/Maximum Value