Custom Number Formats in Excel: Everything You Need to Know!

Custom Number Formats in Excel

Excel provides many default number formats. But often, these formats are not enough. That’s were custom number formats come into play. Let’s take a look some examples: You want to display number in thousands or millions? Or have a thousands separator for percentage values? Or show a plus sign for positive values? In such case,… Continue reading Custom Number Formats in Excel: Everything You Need to Know!

Force Cell to Text/Number Format in Excel: Easy Tricks!

You are changing the cell format, for example from “text” to “number” and nothing happens? Or the other way around, you want to enter a phone number but Excel automatically converts it to a number? Unfortunately, Excel is very unpredictable when it comes to text/number formatting. Here is what you should do in order to… Continue reading Force Cell to Text/Number Format in Excel: Easy Tricks!