How to Center Across Selection in Excel With Just One Click

Especially for headlines or table headings in Excel, merging cells is a great and fast way to center text across several cells. But merging cells comes with a few disadvantages. So, many professionals recommend using “Center Across Selection” instead. Unfortunately, the option is a little bit hidden. Here is how to apply it and how… Continue reading How to Center Across Selection in Excel With Just One Click

How to Trim Values Without Formula in Excel: Just One Click!

Your lookup (for example VLOOKUP) does not work? It cannot find results although it should? In such case, your values might have too many space characters: Leading space characters might still be visible, as well as double space characters in the middle of a text. But trailing spaces at the end of a text are… Continue reading How to Trim Values Without Formula in Excel: Just One Click!

How to Return the Column Letter (Not Number) With Excel Function

There are a few cases in Excel when you need to return the column letter from an Excel cell. For example, when you use the INDIRECT function. Retrieving the number of a cell is quite simple using the =COLUMN() function. But the letter? Here is how to do that! Summary In a hurry? Copy and… Continue reading How to Return the Column Letter (Not Number) With Excel Function

How to Remove Conditional Formatting in Excel but Keep the Colors

Conditional formatting is a fast and nice way to visualize data in Excel. It comes with many options but probably the one most use are the background colors: A color on a color scale is applied automatically based on the cell contents. For example, the lowest value in a range of cells in red color… Continue reading How to Remove Conditional Formatting in Excel but Keep the Colors

Mass Export in Excel: How to Save Same Sheet & Change Variable

Let’s assume the following situation: You have created an Excel file and want to export one sheet from it – many times with different settings. For example: Each sales person should receive their own sales numbers. The problem is that you have many sheets to export. And in practice the following happens: You have just… Continue reading Mass Export in Excel: How to Save Same Sheet & Change Variable