How to Trim Values Without Formula in Excel: Just One Click!

Your lookup (for example VLOOKUP) does not work? It cannot find results although it should? In such case, your values might have too many space characters: Leading space characters might still be visible, as well as double space characters in the middle of a text. But trailing spaces at the end of a text are… Continue reading How to Trim Values Without Formula in Excel: Just One Click!

How to Return the Column Letter (Not Number) With Excel Function

There are a few cases in Excel when you need to return the column letter from an Excel cell. For example, when you use the INDIRECT function. Retrieving the number of a cell is quite simple using the =COLUMN() function. But the letter? Here is how to do that! Summary In a hurry? Copy and… Continue reading How to Return the Column Letter (Not Number) With Excel Function

How to Remove Conditional Formatting in Excel but Keep the Colors

Conditional formatting is a fast and nice way to visualize data in Excel. It comes with many options but probably the one most use are the background colors: A color on a color scale is applied automatically based on the cell contents. For example, the lowest value in a range of cells in red color… Continue reading How to Remove Conditional Formatting in Excel but Keep the Colors

Mass Export in Excel: How to Save Same Sheet & Change Variable

Let’s assume the following situation: You have created an Excel file and want to export one sheet from it – many times with different settings. For example: Each sales person should receive their own sales numbers. The problem is that you have many sheets to export. And in practice the following happens: You have just… Continue reading Mass Export in Excel: How to Save Same Sheet & Change Variable