Let’s enhance your Excel skill with some handy keyboard shortcuts: How to insert a new row (or column) within 1 second without using the mouse?
Author: Henrik Schiffner
Henrik Schiffner is a freelance business consultant and software developer. He lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. Besides being an Excel enthusiast he loves photography and sports.
How to Save an Excel File Comfortably to PDF
When you save an Excel file to PDF, you usually go to File, Export, Create PDF/XPS and follow the steps. Let’s have a look at how to add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar so that it’s only one click to save PDF, instead of searching through the menus.
How to Unhide All Rows or Columns in Excel at Once
Many people love the “Hide” function for hiding rows or columns, as it is very easy to use:
Sort: How to Sort Data in Excel
There are several ways to sort data: Using filters, Pivot Tables or the built in Sort function. The sort function has the advantage that it’s easy to use and can be modified in detail.
How to Paste Values Without Formulas in Excel
When you copy and paste cells “the normal way” (Ctrl + c –> Ctrl + v), formulas and formatting is pasted as well. But in many cases, you want to “freeze” the values, so that they can’t be changed any more.
Very Hidden: How to Set Sheets to ‘Very Hidden’ in Excel!
There are many worksheets in your workbook, which are old but you are afraid to delete them?
How to Show Column Letters Instead of Numbers in Excel
Showing numbers instead of letters of columns can be useful, for example, when you work with VBA macros or when you have to count columns (e.g. VLOOKUP).
PowerPivot: No More Trouble Working with Big Data in Excel
You got a large amount of data which you want to evaluate in a Pivot Table. In such case, Excel crashes often or gets very slow. You might want to consider using PowerPivot, a free Excel Add-In provided by Microsoft. You can download it from the Microsoft webpage. Once successful installed, you’ll see a new ribbon called “PowerPivot”.
How to Import CSV Files to Excel
There are two ways to import data from CSV files to Excel. Open a CSV file by double-clicking on it or use the import function. The import function has an advantage: You can define the details of the import, for instance, set the meaning of thousand separators.
How to Avoid Changing the Column Width When Refreshing PivotTable
In a previous Excel Tip we have learned how to create a simple Excel Pivot Table. Now we will go on from there and learn how to eliminate one of the major pains of Pivot Tables: It changes the size of the columns after each update of the values.